Sunday, December 21, 2014

Darcy Day

My son loves Pride and Prejudice almost as much as he loves Baby Einstein - in fact, I think it safe to say that they are tied in his affections. 

When we have a cranky day, an icky day, a sick day, a 'just can't get out of our own way' day, I pop on some P&P and things immediately begin to smooth out. Little Bear sways and hums along with the ever-inviting introductory theme and always enjoys the ball scenes, twirling and clapping with the Bennet Girls and their beaus. When Mrs. Bennet gets her bonnet strings in a whirl, Bear throws up his hands and issues a loud wail of his own and every time Lydia elopes with the infamous Wickham, he grieves with the family as if they were his own, faking tears and throwing himself into the chair cushion with great zeal. 

He plays with his farm puzzles and blocks during most of the episodes, loving the dances and drama the best and stopping in the middle of whatever he is doing at the time to join in, but when each one ends he says, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, mama! More?" 

There is *always* more Pride and Prejudice. It's such gentle entertainment, we go about our day with the lilting British chatter in the background and feel we are very much among friends and neighbors. 

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