Friday, December 12, 2014

UnPaleo-fy Me

I've recently become obsessed with sourdough bread.
It started as most things start, as a problem needing to be solved. 
We have pretty clean diets, but with pregnancy #2 sapping most of my energy, I had returned to buying our bread at the grocery store. The convenience pleased me but every time I opened the bag to get a slice I felt a sting of conviction. It doesn't help that the Paleo diet and its various stepchildren are ALL the rage - everywhere one looks we are encouraged to forsake wheat and use a plethora of odd, flour-like substitutes to make 'sugar-free-grain-free-egg-free-dairy-free, paleo-friendly' everything. 
I do understand their point. 
I appreciate their science and their concern. 
But I have a bit of a problem with rejecting so many things that have kept civilization going for, well, as long as civilization has gone on. How can milk and honey be bad when God promised His people a land flowing with it?
And why would Jesus call Himself the Bread of Life if bread is synonymous with poison? 
Firstly, I understand that these pictures are, indeed, pictures. Secondly, I believe the milk God uses so promisingly in His word was not the glorified glue-water we buy today in plastic gallon jugs, nor was the bread Christ ate commercially created using Frankenstein grain and synthetic chemicals. 
So maybe my problem isn't with the Paleo people. They're dealing with the problem (which is the increasing toxicity of our food and its detrimental effects on our health) one way - by avoiding the tainted foods all together. 
I - being the stubborn mortal that I am- need another option because I will never be paleo-fied.
I want an alternate route. 
I think I found it. 
It's a pretty fine blend of a hundred different people's wisdom - standing on the shoulders of giants as it were - mixed with my own ideas and conclusions and pet theories such as my Ma Ingalls test.  Ma Ingalls didn't have coconut oil, papaya enzymes or stevia... So how on earth did she stay in good health? That's what I want to learn - how to be traditionally healthy without depending on the internet, fancy foreign foods or highly processed health serums. 
Beside considering Ma Ingalls and Mother Wilder, I've read a lot of Weston A. Price's studies as well as many other people's thoughts and findings based on WAP's writings. 
This is going to be my online journal of sorts, chronicling my journey towards a more traditional, unfancy type diet and in turn, lifestyle - because what is food but fuel for life itself? 

Some topics I want to explore are:
Traditionally Fermented Breads (we're going yeast-free, folks!!) 
Sourdough and Biblical leavening 
Traditional North American (local) Fats
Cultured and Fermented Fruits and Veggies 
Raw and Cultured Dairy 
Traditional and Local Sweeteners 
Natural, Traditional Housekeeping 

So there you have it! 
Stay tuned for my many wild and wonderful sourdough bread experiments... 

My first loaf of sourdough, which could have been used as a brick... or doorstop... or weapon. It gets better- don't worry. 

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