Friday, December 12, 2014

I Made This; a Maternity Clothes Success Story

My mom is the seamstress. I am the 'cryer with frustration in front of the sewing machine'.

But I made this. Mostly because I hate all the maternity clothes - - - and yes, I mean that to sound as emotional and unreasonable as it does. Because I am pregnant. And emotional. And sometimes a wee bit unreasonable.
I have a real bone to pick with the designers of maternity clothes these days. I swear they use LESS fabric than even regular clothing. Skinny jeans with spandex tubes instead of waistbands and tissue paper-like jersey tops that really aren't any bigger, just longer and then scrunched up the sides.
Why, people, why? I already feel like a sausage.
As a woman who desires to dress modestly, it makes me want to pull my hair out and wear a poncho made from bedsheets just to "Show Them".
As a woman who already struggles with personal style and feeling 'unpretty', it discourages me when I try to do my best to NOT look like I'm wear an old sheet, if only for my husband's sake.
As a woman who isn't, can't and therefore never will be a size 2, it makes me want to cry (and in all honesty - - because we're being honest here - - Kill).
As a women who doesn't have a million dollars to spend on custom maternity clothes, it makes me stop crying, stop complaining and get to work.
And by getting to work I mean getting on Pinterest and looking at what everyone else has done to solve this problem - - - because a lot of women have at least one of the preceding issues.

Thank you, talented, pregnant seamstress ladies, for saving my silly little, emotional, pregnant sausage self.

After some reading and considering, I picked the tutorial that Modest Maven  wrote (and cleverly illustrated with clear and concise photos) on her site. It was simple enough for even I, the Sobbing Seamstress, to follow and resulted in the most comfortable pair of maternity *anything* I have worn thus far in my pregnancy adventures. Oh yes. I may never NOT wear them. Ever.

I don't often wear jeans, but when I do it's because it's 10 degrees outside and 48 degrees inside and I'm trying to not freeze to death while building a fire, making breakfast, corraling my Little Bear and needing to look half-way decent for the Mr. when he comes home in the morning. He loves the long skirts I wear 99% of the time, but he gets a real kick out of my baggy mom jeans - because he's that awesome.

I used an old, second-hand pair of LLBean jeans that I bought at Goodwill for half price during one of their big sales. Jeans = $2.50
When I was in Vermont to visit my mom over Thanksgiving, I got some thickly knit jersey material at JoAnn's for the waistband. Waistband = $1.50
I had some elastic already, but the price tag was still on it. Elastic = $1.99
Best Maternity Jeans In The History Of Pregnancy = Priceless (actually $5.99)

That's it, ladies and gents - took me about 2 hours to complete the task and I've been wearing my maternity pants ever since. Quite literally.
Excellent tutorial, Modest Maven, you are awesome. And so are my jeans.

YAY!!! They're not skinny jeans!! This is probably my favorite shirt, mostly because I stole it from my husband the week we got married and never gave it back. I wear it almost constantly in the wintertime. It makes me look like a real Mainer and not the 'Midwesterner from Away' that I really am. As long as I don't open my mouth and betray myself with my obvious accent, they think I am one of them. Shhhh. 

Here's the waistband - - and baby belly. Ah yes. 
17 weeks and counting...

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